Friday, March 25, 2011

The case of the Dead Red Setter

* a collection of stories and memories, in no particular order, from the life and times of John Clarke, who served as a policeman in the Australian Police Force, a great practical joker, he also had a great affinity with people and wildlife, was a champion swimmer, snooker player, loved golf, still loves fishing and is also an artist. I hope you enjoy his recollections - cheers, karin (his daughter)
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It was Good Friday night and a few years back.  The two police officers got a call that a dog had been skittled righ on the middle of the Barneys Point Bridge at Chinderah.

They attended and sure enough a very large red setter had been bowled over fair in the middle of the bridge by about a hundred cars.  It was fairly mangled and not a pretty sight.

Well, of course the correct thing to do was call the Council out to remove the remains, but both of these fellows being fairly resourceful came up with the idea of quickly disposing of the corpse by throwing it straight over the railing into the Tweed River.

They waited for a break in the traffic.  It happened, and they dashed onto the bridge, one on each end and heaved that dog straight over the railing.  Instead of a splash there was a loud crash and terrified screams came from below.  A quick look over the railing revealed two blood spattered terrified bream fisherman in a tinny with the deceased red setter between them.

The police officers made a very quick exit to the south and took off.

I still hear fishermen talking about the myster of the red setter in the Kingscliff Pub but haven't let on...this one is better left as a mystery.

1 comment:

  1. Hola amigo de los animales: veo que tienes un blog muy bueno con interesantes datos. ¡¡¡Enhorabuena por él!!!.

    Quisiera compartir contigo y tus lectores más información sobre la raza de perro Setter Irlandes y dos videos, uno de Cachorros de setter irlandes y otro con fotos del Setter irlandes.

    Espero que te guste mi espacio de mascotas (Perros y Gatos) y dejame un comentario si te apetece.

    Saludos desde España
